
Mark really enjoys helping his clients get phenomenal change in their lives, seeing them move ahead in their lives, feeling free, a feeling of release, and ON TOP OF THE WORLD… Fast!

What Mark's Happy Clients Say

Many of Mark’s therapy clients are TV, Radio, Sports personalities, Millionaires and even Billionaires, therefore like to keep their private therapy sessions private. Although they are hugely happy with their outstanding results after therapy, private means private and Mark is more than happy to oblige.

Hi Mark, My needle phobia has always been an issue.

After having spoken to you via telephone, I put my total faith in your ability, and flew to the Gold Coast from Sydney to finally rid myself of this stupid unnecessary energy.

Had a blood test today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phobia? What Phobia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its gone.

I have gone from having to take Valium to have a blood test to laughing and joking with the nurse and feeling on top of the world.

Cant thank you enough. Finally free. On top of the world, Feeling amazing!

Dianne Mockford - Sydney

For nearly forty years I had been a heavy smoker but now I’m not!

Mark you are a ……. legend, I have not even felt like having a smoke since attending your seminar. As you know mate I drive a truck at night and had every opportunity to pull over and buy a packet,

For the first couple of weeks I would tell myself that it felt like a dream and I was waiting to crash and burn but now I know that I am a very happy non-smoker and I owe it all to you.

Thanks Mark – Barry
PS. You really are a champion .

Barry Partington - Gold coast